Mom of the Year: Congratulations Amy Morris!
Congratulations Amy Morris of Southfield, winner of our mom of the year contest! Amy will enjoy a 3-night trip to Universal Orlando resort.
Amy was nominated by Barbara Kraft, who had this to say:
The mom in my life who deserves a trip to Universal Orlando Resort would be Amy Morris. Aside from being a single parent, she is one of the most self-sacrificing people in terms of her teaching career and after-school tutoring. Amy teaches children who are “at risk” and come from low income housing. Her goal is to help these students surpass expectations and transition easily into mainstream classes. Ms. Morris excels in these endeavors and succeeds in creating a most loving environment inside and beyond the classroom. Ms. Morris makes home visits to assess the home life and stability of the families of her students so that there is great interaction between Ms. Morris and their parents to ensure that these students reach their full potential. Ms. Morris has a daughter who is heavily involved in soccer, drama, and other after school activities. Ms. Morris attends every practice and game despite the driving distance and sleep deprivation she experiences. A trip to Universal Orlando Resort would be a fantastic respite to a most deserving mother, teacher, and daughter. I raised her to put others first and she has never let me down.