Cardi B is Being Sued by Her Former Manager for 10 Mil
Yesterday Cardi B’s former manager, Klenord “Shaft” Raphael, who also owns his own management company, brought a lawsuit to the court announcing he was going to sue Miss Cardi for a whopping 10 million dollars.
The suit alleges that Cardi B breached her contract with the manager who says he “conceived, arranged and orchestrated” the hip-hop artist’s career after discovering her. Shaft, who was originally accused of doing side deals behind Cardi’s back, which is what caused her to sign with a different management team, is also suing for unjust enrichment, declaratory judgment, and defamation.
A representative for Shaft said, “Since discovering Cardi B in 2015, Shaft has played an integral role in developing her music career and public image. While he is proud of their successful collaborations as she evolved from Instagram influencer to music megastar, Shaft is disappointed by her actions to freeze him out of her career, which is detailed in the complaint. Shaft is confident that his lawsuit will validate his conduct and substantiate his legal claims.”
No word yet from Cardi’s team.
Celebrities always have other people trying to take credit for their success. Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted?