Just In Case You Didn’t Know This About Social Media?
Social Media Is Leading to a New Age of Infidelity?
Someone posted an article an it states that Facebook plays a central role in modern infidelity. They are saying that the average user spends 50 minutes a day on Facebook, which I seriously think is real low. I personally spend 2 hours alone at night catching up on all the Facebook drama!
The article goes on and says Facebook has created what is called “back burners.” “Back Burners” are the people you are attracted to that you keep in touch with just in case your current situation fails or changes.
Remember the days before Social Media? Do you believe that social media is making cheaters out of all of us?
I agree that social media has made it harder on relationships, but do you really want to be with someone that isn’t into you? Just remember that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. UNLESS, you are trying to get with me, then yes the grass is greener! =)
Here is a video on how social media is ruining relationship;