Happiest Cities In America … Detroit WTF
Detroit …WTF is going on here.We were ranked today dead last in the happiest cities in America list. According to wallethub.com we really suck at being happy. We came in at 182 out of 182 cities on this list.
The website said this about the study … “As this study aims to illustrate, moving to a certain city may help you be more content. WalletHub drew upon the various findings of positive-psychology research in order to determine which among more than 180 of the largest U.S. cities is home to the happiest people in America. We examined each city based on 31 key indicators of happiness, ranging from depression rate to income-growth rate to average leisure time spent per day.”
Personally I think this is false. I’ve been here my whole life and I love this city. Sure winters kinda suck, and the roads need to get fixed … But other than that this city is awesome with a lot of fun stuff to do most days.
It should also be mentioned that 3 of the top 5 happiest cities are from California … What a shocker there. Also 14 of the top 20 are from the same state. It leads me to believe this study just doesn’t like cold weather LOL!