Me Against The World Anniversary
This is honestly one of the best rap albums of all time! And it’s the 24th anniversary of the album!
Tupac was on his way to jail in 1995 when this album was being recorded. And when it was released to the public, he was behind bars serving a 1 1/2 – 5 year sentence for sexual assault. The album went platinum 2x here in the states.
Tupac had this to say about the album while he was still in prison … “Me Against the World was really to show people that this is an art to me. That I do take it like that. And whatever mistakes I make, I make out of ignorance, not out of disrespect to music or the art. So Me Against the World was deep, reflective. It was like a blues record. It was down-home. It was all my fears, all the things I just couldn’t sleep about. Everybody thought that I was living so well and doing so good that I wanted to explain it. And it took a whole album to get it all out. It’s explaining my lifestyle, who I am, my upbringing and everything. It talks about the streets but talks about it in a different light. There’s a song on there dedicated to mothers, just a song I wrote just for my mother. And it digs deeper like that. I just wanted to do wanted to something for all mothers. I’m proud of that song. It affected a lot of people.”
It inspired a generation of rappers who are killing the game right now like Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole. Who have both credited this album for inspiring them to start their careers. Those are my two favorite rappers in the game right now. They both have created a lane that no others in their age bracket can touch.
“Everyone knows I’m a super-duper Pac fan, but when Me Against The World dropped I was 10 years old. So even being 10 years old, I still knew the importance of this album. I knew how ill the shit he was saying was, and how emotional he sounded. I was ten years old, but I could connect to the dude.” – J. Cole
So in honor of the 24th anniversary … Here is my favorite song off the album! It’s little known compared to hits like Dear Momma. I used to play this all the time back when I was spinning records in little bars in Utica and Shelby TWP.
What is your favorite song off the album ???