60SecondBuzz: Jamie Fox and Katie Holmes Have Split–Mark Wahlberg Visits Boy Who Beat Cancer Before Heading To Royal Oak!
According to reports, Jamie and Katie have been apart since May and their last appearance together was at this year’s Met Gala.
(Photo by Allen Kee/Getty Images)
The breakup news really heated up after Jamie was spotted outside a club holding hands with actress Sela Vave over the weekend…
Sources say that when friends asked Katie about Jamie’s hand holding she allegedly said, “what Jamie does is his business.”
(Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images)
Do YOU think Katie and Jamie made a good couple?
Mark Wahlberg meets with boy who beat cancer before opening Royal Oak Wahlburgers
Wahlberg first stopped at Beaumont to meet with Hudson Brown, a six-year-old Transformers fan who batted brain cancer for the last year-and-a-half.
Wahlberg vowed to visit Hudson when the new restaurant opened and, he kept his promise.
“He’s my inspiration,” Wahlberg said. “He’s been in my thoughts and my prayers with what he’s had to overcome.”
Hudson is a HUGE Transformers fan and went to his final proton radiation treatment with some Transformers flair.
His mother, Megan, looked into having a Camero take her son to the final therapy session and found a group willing to provide a 24-Camero escort…He loves Bumblebee.
“It was a very tough time for our family,” Megan said. “But all of his MRIs are completely clean. He’s considered in remission.”
The Browns joined the Wahlbergs for a celebration soon after, to christen the new burger joint along Woodward.
The opening served as a fundraiser for the Children’s Miracle Network.
(Photo by Paul Marotta/Getty Images)
Wahlberg and his brother Paul met with a group of patients inside the children’s wing at Beaumont, delivering Transformers toys from director Michael Bay and spending time with each boy and girl.
“It’s just amazing. I always find so much inspiration. These kids are so full of hope,” Wahlberg said.