Police investigating video of Teens “Coughing on Produce”
Who do you blame here? The parents or the teenagers? This is disturbing.
While our first responders are busy enough during this Coronavirus pandemic, police in Virginia are actually being pulled away to investigate a video posted to social media of teenagers coughing on produce inside a Purcellville grocery store.
The police are telling parents to discourage this behavior after revealing in a Facebook post Thursday of the nationwide “disturbing trend”, adding “please talk to your kids and explain to them why this is wrong.” Really?
These teenagers know what they’re doing is wrong, it’s all about wanting to go viral. I do believe the parents have a part to play as we should be keeping our teenagers home despite the temptation to want to roam the streets with schools being out.
No arrests have been made but the grocery store did remove the tainted produce.
Who do you feel is to blame for this happening and if YOUR child did this, how would you handle it?