According To A Survey These Artists Are On Top Of Most People’s Sex Playlist
The Weeknd has topped a list of artists whose music people most enjoy having sex to. Also in the top five of the survey of Spotify users, in order: Trey Songz, Usher, Drake and Jeremih. Rihanna was the top female, at #6.
Spotify found out when people are having sexy time, the top artists that they most listened to were The Weeknd, Rihanna, Jeremih, Trey Songz, Usher and Drake. Spotify analyzed certain phrasing to compile their most listened to songs and artists during sex list. Some of the phrases included, date night, getting it on, sex playlist, shagging and Netflix and chill.
Do you have a sex playlist? What artists tops yours?? Problems with me having a sex playlist is I would want to sing the songs which just ruins the mood. I mean how is a girl supposed to focus with Trey Songz “Dive In” is playing in the background!?