What YOUR Favorite ICE CREAM FLAVOR Says About YOU!
Get ready to defend your flavor!
Yesterday was National Ice Cream day and while everyone has their favorite flavors, I bet you didn’t know that the flavors you like may say a lot about you.
…according to a survey of 2,000 Americans by OnePoll
➢ Strawberry: You tend to enjoy doing laundry, watching sci-fi movies and listening to jazz music. And you’ll find love at age 24. I’d fall in love with ANYONE who likes doing laundry!
➢ Vanilla: You’re most likely to choose “dare” in a game of Truth or Dare, yet you’re introverted. You prefer washing dishes over doing laundry, tend to be a night owl, and choose dogs over cats. …This is good, because if you liked chocolate ice cream, you couldn’t share it with your dog! And you’ll find love at age 25.
➢ Chocolate: You’re extroverted, enjoy romantic comedies, and love pop music. You also tend to have more variety in your interests. You’ll find love at age 26.
And if you don’t like ice cream? That says that we can’t be friends!
My lunch is about to be the rest of the ice cream sundae I got yesterday, if that's any indication of how my day's been going... pic.twitter.com/JKvgE8mGxS
— Bianca Jordan, Esq. (@brazenlawyer) July 20, 2020
What’s YOUR favorite flavor? Did the science of “FLAVOROLOGY” get your personality trait right??