Bobby Brown Says He Taught Michael Jackson How to Moonwalk
So either Bobby Brown is smokin’ that stuff or we just found out something huge about the King of Pop.
Bobby Brown joined Fat Joe for a chat on his IG Live and made quite the claim. Bobby Brown claims he taught Michael Jackson how to Moonwalk. Uh… really?
He said he use to be a break dancer and other members of New Edition were present when Bobby taught Michael.
It has been well documented that either Jeffrey Daniel formerly of Shalamar and Soul Train fame or Boogaloo Shrimp from the movie Breakin’ taught MJ and have been saying so for years.
Michael first debuted his legendary moonwalk on March 25, 1983 on the Motown 25 special.
New Edition’s first album came out on March 1, 1983. I mean… it doesn’t sound too far-fetched based on the dates.
My thing is… why is Bobby Brown just now telling us this? Jeffrey Daniel has said this for years and Bobby never spoke up. MJ killed that moonwalk so the question is, who taught MJ? I would just hope nobody would lie on MJ’s legacy!