Some Parents Agree But Some Parents Disagree With THIS Decision! VOTE!!!
I just recently learned that my son, Ries, will NOT be heading back to school this fall. Berkley Public Schools decided to allow on-line only learning until November 1st, at the earliest. I’m not happy about it!
I understand that we are in the middle of a Pandemic and that we need to keep the kids safe. Many schools are offering a hybrid learning environment. Birmingham Public Schools’ plan is 1/2 day in person learning while Royal Oak Schools is offering a 2 day a week in person learning environment. Of course, every school district is offering 100% virtual learning.
With many kids across the Country returning to school this fall, I feel that the school districts that don’t offer any in-person option for learning will fall behind.
My son is 10 years old, and school is more than just learning at that age. It’s making new friends, learning to follow rules, etc.
Parents, do you agree or disagree with me? VOTE BELOW! – Joanna