Do You Remember This? Today Is The 17th Anniversary Of The 2003 Detroit Blackout
Did you know today, August 14th marks the 17th anniversary of the 2003 blackout?
August 14, 2003 The great Northeast Blackout occurred just after 4:00 PM. Caused by a software failure within the Ohio branch of FirstEnergy Company, it extended from the Canadian province of Ontario across the northeast and Midwest of the US.
To this day it is the biggest blackout in North American history hitting most of Ontario and the Eastern Seaboard, including New York, Cleveland and Detroit, leaving 50 million people without power.
Can you believe it’s been 17 years, already? If you were around for Detroit’s blackout, what were you doing when it hit and how did you pass the time?
Check out the video below with news reports detailing the blackout of 2003: