Things You SHOULD And SHOULDN’T Buy In September
Summer may be slowly drawing to a close, but that doesn’t mean September can’t still be awesome. Soothe your summer sadness by getting in on great deals this month.
Buy it:
➠ Mattresses and linens: They always go on sale this time of year. Don’t even consider paying full price for these. (If you believe the commercials, these things are always on sale!!)
➠ iPhones: Apple unveils their latest phones this month (or next), so if you don’t mind buying last year’s model, it is about to become much more affordable (and you won’t have to worry about the ‘bugs’ that come with a new model, either.)
➠ Summer gear: Whether you need a new bike, a lawnmower or a patio set, you might find a great deal right now.
➠ Cars: Next year’s models are arriving now, so it could be a good time to find a great deal on last year’s models.
Skip it:
➠ Electronics: With Black Friday coming, and Christmas…maybe just wait a bit…
➠ Halloween costume: The longer it stays in stores, the cheaper it will be. Wait at least until October. (Or November!)
➠ Appliances: Again, you might want to wait until Black Friday. New models are coming soon, and deep discounts on older models are sure to follow. (With apologies to our local appliance sponsor…!)
What deals have you found this month?