Things That Make People Realize They’re Getting Older!
One thing is for sure, none of us are getting any younger!
Aging is natural and inevitable, and at some point, we’re all going to start feeling our age!
A survey by Foster Grant uncovered the top things that made people realize they were getting older. How many of these apply to you??
There are several things that makes people realize they’re getting older??
Hearing a song I know on the “oldies” radio station (we prefer to call them ‘throwbacks’) – 43%
Catching myself squinting at the small print to make out what it says – 38%
Grunting when getting up from a seat or from bed – 37%
Seeing a celebrity I’ve never heard of or recognize – 33%
Having trouble seeing in a dim light room or restaurant – 26%
Not being on TikTok, Snapchat, or newer social media – 24%
Realizing something I use every day came out several years ago – 22%