Good News For Regular Guys! Women Still Find ‘Dad Bods’ Sexy!
Planet Fitness released new insights from their annual national study highlighting how American men and women feel about the body type that’s become synonymous with fatherhood. . .
And for the fifth straight year the study once again finds that the “Dad Bod” is in! Spectacular news for dads that hit the recliner more than they hit the gym!
Check out these numbers!
80% of women say a man with a Dad Bod is a man who is confident.
72% of women are attracted to men with Dad Bods.
72% of women and 68% of men say the Dad Bod is now universally accepted.
69% of women saying they find a dad bod attractive.
65% of women say a Dad Bod is sexy.
64% of people say men with Dad Bods have happier marriages.
59% of women say they prefer a man with a dad bod to someone who is really muscular.
50% of men admit they feel judged by others for their bodies, an increase of 10% from last year.
48% of women and 44% of men say dad bods are the new six-pack.