This Michigan Winery is the Best in the State
Michigan has a range of great wineries, and summer is the perfect time to road trip across the state to experience some wine tasting. If you’re wondering the top winery in Michigan to visit this season, the folks at Yelp have analyzed the platform’s databases to determine the top-rated wineries in each state.
Yelp‘s results are based on the platform’s user-generated reviews and ratings. Yelp’s study is also based on the “total volume” of reviews for each winery, so newer wineries could be at a disadvantage, since they likely have fewer reviews
So, which winery is No. 1 in Michigan? Petoskey Farms Vineyard & Winery in Petoskey (via Some of the review highlights include, “If you are a white wino try the ‘Petoskey White.'” One comment from Dj L. in Hilliard, Ohio, is especially complimentary, stating, “We are from Columbus I have been with my girlfriend for 8 years. Saw a few photos on yelp and decided I wanted to make my girlfriend my fiancé at this winery. It was beautiful, we sat there and enjoyed a flight and enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine while enjoying the beautiful view. Josh ended up walking by and asking if he would like for us to have photos taken and while he did I dropped down on a knee and asked her. It was amazing and the photos turned out perfect. We will be back!” Another glowing review from Kelly M. in Rockwood, Michigan, states, “Absolutely beautiful! You can sit on the porch and look at the view, they have heaters out there too. We were greeted and the waiter was very friendly and helpful. We had the wine flight, my favorite was the love sangria (I always love sangria), but I also really liked the joy red wine. My fiancé said his favorite was the cherry cider. I would recommend for anyone visiting, great spot to relax and look at the trees with a glass of wine.”
Visit Petoskey Farms Vineyard & Winery’s website here.