Michigan Town has Naughty Valentine Sign Game
Michigan Town has Naughty Valentine Sign Game
Right across the pond from me, Waterford is having some naughty fun for Valentine’s Day with a local business sign game. The mastermind behind this game is Elizabeth Quintana, the owner of Mexico Lindo. Carlos, one of the managers at Mexico Lindo, told me that Elizabeth wanted to do something to spice up talk about the restaurant and it worked! It quickly became viral and affected the town of Waterford.

Where all the naughty innuendo began!
When WXYZ.com, interviewed Quintana about the sign, she had this to say:
“My mother who started this business, Isabelle, she says ‘Who cares, it’s fun!’ And she’s 87 years old so if she approves, that’s all I care about.”
Other businesses nearby started to play the game along with Mexico Lindo. Century Bowl located just a little way down the road joined in with this:
And then the Shark Club of Waterford had their say also:

And now SHARK CLUB’s turn!
As I was out seeing who else joined in, I caught this auto shop with a quick pun joining in.

My wife was quite mad as I made some quick left turns to get to these locations! (Ever see the scene in Other Guys with the little girl in the back of the cop car?)
I was out and missed a few others who joined in like Moby Dick Pet Store, and Club Royale.
I am not sure how far this game will spread, some companies, in lieu of a sign, have had fun online posting innuendo puns in conjunction with the “game”.
But Mexico Lindo will legit have “pink” tacos on Valentine’s Day until they sell out. So I would highly recommend getting one and getting some pics up with you cobbling those tacos!
They even have the hashtag #WarmTastyPinkTacos
Can’t wait for the captions!