Michigan Weather Forecast for January 2024: When Will It Feel Like Winter?
Was it just me, or did December not feel like December at all in Michigan? Actually, it wasn’t just me, because according to the National Weather Service, December 2023 was one of the warmest Decembers on record for many parts of the U.S. We didn’t get any snow were I live, and I loved every minute of it. I don’t even mind the rain, as long as it’s not snow. So, I was happy, but it also meant no white Christmas. Now, there’s a new Michigan weather forecast out for January 2024. Will it bring the cold? Here’s what to expect.
For January, about half of the U.S. has an equal chance of having normal temperatures. Are we among that 50%? Here’s your Michigan weather forecast for January 2024.
Well, the half of the U.S. that looks normal is actually mainly in the South. The Climate Prediction Center is predicting above average temperatures for January 2024 from the Western United States through the Upper Midwest, including the Great Lakes and Michigan. Also, they predict warmer than normal temperatures for the Northeastern United States. As for precipitation, the Center predicts below average precipitation for the entire state of Michigan and parts of the Midwest. Above average precipitation is only expected in California (and parts of some neighboring states) and the Southern U.S., especially in Florida. So, if you’re a snowbird, you might escape the cold, but you’ll have much wetter conditions than here in Michigan.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, in general, the Climate Prediction Center predicts a warmer winter for our area. Their outlook from January through March 2024 has above normal temperatures for most of the U.S., including us. The most above normal temperatures will be in the very upper Northwest and very upper Northeast. It will also be much warmer than normal in Alaska. The Midwest, Northeast and Upper Plains will also be much warmer than average. Meanwhile, the South and Central U.S. will be average. I’m loving this warm winter forecast.