Todd And Jeff From Detroit Paranormal Expeditions Are On Haunted Michigan Download

42:22 Download September 21st, 2023

Todd Bonner and Jeff Adkins from Detroit Paranormal Expeditions join me on Haunted Michigan. Since I met them last year on their debut episode of the show, we’ve become good friends. When I asked them to come back, they didn’t hesitate.

They told me about their upcoming project on PBS, which drops next year. It’s about the paranormal, but also focuses on history of places around Michigan. They eluded to some of the things that happened, but kept it close to the vest.

One of the places they “discovered” was the Frederick Sterns house in downtown Detroit. 16,000 square feet of exploration. They have some cool events going on at that house coming up. I think I’ll be there on Friday, October 13th to see this home. They tell me about an event they’re doing in Monroe at the Museum of Horror as well.

One of the places they’ve investigated a lot was the Bruce Mansion in Brown City. They talked about a crazy experience at that home. “We saw a shadow figure in the parlour there.” They said there were several people there to see it. They as mentioned “reflector” like eyes they’ve seen in that historic house.

Jeff spoke to a brush with the paranormal recently in Portland, Michigan. “You don’t see things visual too often.”

They talked about some of the old buildings they’d like to investigate around Michigan. Flanagan’s Pub in Grand Rapids and the New Hudson Inn are a couple places they mentioned.

As far as the places they’ve done the most investigating at, Eloise in Westland came right to their minds. Jeff talked about an experience there. “I heard a woman talking….just babbling, complete gibberish.” As he walked down to see what happened….well, you’ll have to listen. Todd talks about running out of that building, frightened. They said the first night they were there was the most active.

They also talked about have little rocks thrown at them at a Detroit location. That was nuts!

Speaking of actual things moving on their own, they talked about an unreal story at a location up north. Todd spoke to getting touched at a place in Wyandotte,

Getting out of Michigan, they went down to the house where the movie of the real-life haunting took place – A Savannah Haunting. They said that place is really uneasy. Todd was physically pushed, Jeff ended up in the hospital.

Stories of paranormal things happening at Greenfield Village? They’ve heard some stories. Also audio captured at the Whitney downtown. Lots of people talk about that place.

Thank you to Todd and Jeff for joining me once again this year on Haunted Michigan!


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