Welcome to the 105k lb. Weight Loss & Healthy Living Challenge!
Do you want to shed a few pounds, fit into those old jeans, or just have a sense of living a healthier life overall? Let The Bounce encourage you along your path to health!
Join your Bounce Ambassadors for this 10-week program to exercise, eat healthier, and have a better overall understanding of what it means to live a healthy life!
We’ve partnered with doctors, Molina Healthcare, Custom Health Centers, Eastern Market, and Huron-Clinton Metroparks to help you live your best life. The best part is:
Step 1:
Register for the Challenge! When registering, pick which Bounce Ambassador’s team you want to join. Then, listen to their show for healthy tips, and encouragement!
Step 2:
Attend the 105k lb. Weight Loss & Healthy Living Challenge events on Saturdays in Eastern Market starting January 27th. We’ll have 10 WEEKS OF FREE THROWBACK HIP-HOP DANCE CLASSES, cooking demonstrations by Eastern Market Chefs, appearances from your favorite Bounce Ambassadors, and more!
Step 3:
Check your progress with weigh-ins on February 24th, and March 24th to see how much progress you’ve made!