2 Nuns + $500,000 = …….
Two nuns from a catholic school in California are accused of stealing $500,000 in school money and spending that money on vacations and gambling. According to bank records Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Lang out of St. James Catholic School in Torrence have been stealing from the school for over a decade!
Can’t knock the hustle!
According to Local 10 in California … The two of them withheld tuition checks and school fees, & transferred the funds into an account that the two of them only knew about. Shockingly the school isn’t pursuing criminal charges against the two former nuns! Crazy!
Something tells me Whoopi Goldberg wouldn’t be stealing from the school. Nahhh … If anything she’d be teaching Lauryn Hill to hit them high notes. Now with out further adieu … The best part of Sister Act 2, enjoy!