Was Nick Cannon in bed with Kel Mitchell?
Somehow Nick Cannon finds a way to stay relevant and in the news, but this time was it his fault?
Kel Mitchell’s ex, Tyisha Hampton apparently took to TikTok to share some tea about Mitchell and Nick Cannon.
Hampton stares into the camera with Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love” playing in the background with the caption reading, “Remembering when I came home early #NickCannon wearing my full cheerleading uniform (including the briefs) doing cheers on the bed for my ex-husband #KelMitchell to cheer him up because he cheated on me.”
The post was re-posted on The Shade Room, where Nick responded by writing, “Yep!! [We probably] had the big ear of corn, a bunch of orange soda, and a couple of Kids’ Choice Awards up our ass too!” He surrounded the post with crying laughing emoji’s as he referred to skits Cannon and Mitchell had down on the sketch comedy show, “All That,” on Nickelodeon.
Now that is a strong allegation for Hampton to make but it leaves me wondering, why would she RANDOMLY make that up? Talk about a well thought out lie!
Hampton divorced Mitchell in 2005, she claims he abused her and owes back child support.
This whole thing is just messy to me!