Over the weekend, Keke Palmer and Zendaya were trending topics. A conversation on Twitter began comparing the two, after some users referred to NOPE, which premiered on Friday (July 22), as Palmer’s breakout role, despite the fact that she has several credits in her filmography. Part of the conversation centered around colorism. Palmer decided to respond to the discussion.
“A great example of colorism is to believe I can be compared to anyone,” Palmer A great example of colorism is to believe I can be compared to anyone. I’m the youngest talk show host ever. The first Black woman to star in her own show on Nickelodeon, & the youngest & first Black Cinderella on broadway. I’m an incomparable talent. Baby, THIS, is Keke Palmer.
She I’ve been a leading lady since I was 11 years old. I have over 100+ credits, and currently starring in an original screenplay that’s the number one film at the box office #NOPE. I’ve had a blessed career thus far, I couldn’t ask for more but God continues to surprise me.🥹🥳❤️🙏🏾
In addition to NOPE, Palmer has starred in Akeelah and the Bee, Madea’s Family Reunion, Hustlers, Alice, and many more.
Take a look at how fans weighed in on the discussion: