How To Save Money On Back To School Shopping
Whether your kids are going back to school in person or virtual like mine, we can not escape the back to school shopping game!
According to the National Retail Federation, households with kids in grades K-12 are expected to spend $789.49 per family for the 2020-2021 school year. That’s up just more than $90 from last years average. Families with college students are expected to spend an average of $1,059.20 this year, compared to $976.78 last year.
While we may not be able to avoid back to school shopping season, we can decide how hard of a hit it takes on our budgets…and wallets.
Here’s a few tips to help you save money:
➢ Make a list: Assign a budget and stick to it. (And for God’s sake, DON’T bring the kids along!)
➢ Find sales: For back-to-school clothes, shop end of summer sales and focus on apparel the kids can wear all year long. (Whether they like it or not!)
➢ Buy in bulk: Kids can really go through the essentials like paper, pencils, glue sticks and notebooks quickly. (And backpacks. Trust me.)
➢ Do your online homework: Follow your favorite brands and retailers on social media and sign up for their email newsletters. It’s a great way to stay in the know about the latest and greatest deals. Sometimes they even have exclusive sales for their followers.
➢ (New this year) Buy masks in bulk
Have you started your back to school shopping?? What tips can you share to help save money on back to school shopping?