60SecondBuzz: De-Icing Life Hacks–Why Michael Jackson’s Father Is The Worst Dad Ever–And Wendy Williams’ Staff Does Not Want Her To Return
Michael Jackson Was Chemically Castrated by Father Joe to Maintain High-Pitched Voice That Raked In Millions
The doctor that was convicted of the manslaughter of Michael Jackson, Conrad Murra,y claims that Michael Jackson revealed to him that he was chemically castrated by Joe Jackson in order to maintain his high-pitched voice…
(Photo by Carlo Allegri/Getty Images)
Conrad Murray calls Joe, “one of the worst fathers to his children in history.”
Michael spoke to Murray in confidence telling him about his father giving him hormone injections to keep his voice at a higher pitch.
If it’s true, Murray says that “it could explain Michael’s transformation and his behavior.”
Conrad was convicted of manslaughter in 2011 after giving Michael a deadly dose of fentanyl that caused a heart attack.
Do YOU think Murray is telling the truth about what Michael confided in him?
Wendy Williams Staff Has A Message For Her: We DON’T Want You Back!
Employees from the Wendy Williams Show are hoping that she never returns…
(Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Allergan)
Even after battling with health and marital problems, the staff say it’s a much better work life without Wendy and her husband Kevin Hunter.
According to B.E.T., The source say “Everyone is laughing and smiling and working together. We all had gotten so used to walking on eggshells around Wendy and Kevin.”
The source also admitted “At first the staff was worried about losing their jobs, now it looks like the show can survive without Wendy, and a lot of people don’t want her to return.”
Wendy Williams hasn’t made any appearances on her show since mid January.
She has changed her return date three different times, and now her return seems to be up in the air…
Are YOU ready for Wendy Williams to return?
Check Out These Winter Weather Life Hacks!!!
The winter weather is in full effect (it was snowing in Maui for goodness sakes)!
If you’re faced with an icy challenge and you don’t have salt handy, try one of these three quick de-icing tips…
(Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
#1-If you don’t have salt, cover your windshield with sand!
#2-Mix 1 teaspoon of Dawn dish soap, 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol with a half-gallon of hot water together. You can pour your homemade solution on your driveway or sidewalk to melt the ice.
#3- Sprinkling ashes from your fireplace, sugar or beet juice are other options.
What are YOUR quick de-icing tips?
Are you willing to give these de-icing tips a try?