Man’s Act Of Kindness Towards Boy With Autism Alone On Flight Goes Viral!
Landon, a 7 year old with Autism, was about to take his first flight alone traveling from Las Vegas to Portland…
His mom, Alexa Bjornson, worried about his solo flight, wrote a note to the person who would sit next to on the plane, hoping they’d be understanding and help him out.
She put wrote a note with $10 in cash attached as a thank you. “I thought, how do I make it so whoever’s sitting next to him won’t look at him as a burden but more of like, I can help this kiddo get through the day,” Bjornson told reported during a video interview.
In comes Ben Pedraza, the man who secured the lucky seat next to Landon. “We were cracking jokes and after a while he asked me to quit making dad jokes,” Pedraza said in a separate video conference.
Check out the video Ben recorded during his flight with young Landon…
Pedraza said the direct Southwest Airlines flight from Las Vegas to Portland International Airport was full of non-stop activity.
Their story’s since received tens and thousands of shares, and Ben’s generosity has captured hearts online. Women are even asking him if he’s single!
“No, not single. I’m off the market, for sure, definitely, but I’m flattered,” Pedraza said.
Pedraza said he’ll take the compliment, but just hopes the attention stays on autism awareness.
Pedraza donated the $10 from Bjornson’s note to the Autism Society in Landon’s honor.