Is Your Michigan “I Voted” Sticker Worth Thousands?
The new Michigan “I Voted” stickers were a huge hit at the polls, but nobody knew they’d be even bigger on the resale market.
For most of my voting career, I have been rewarded for doing my civic duty by getting the standard “I Voted” sticker. Sure, there’s the whole making my voice heard benefit, but you can’t post a picture of civic duty on Facebook, can you? Anyway, the “I Voted” sticker has been a staple of the voting experience, and until this year, it was fairly boring.
This year, Michigan spiced things up by letting us design the stickers everyone would receive after voting. The design contest was open to everyone, and the winners were divided into three age divisions: Elementary school kids, High school kids, and the general public.
The stickers are far from the standard and made for a nice change of pace on voting day. I watched several people ask if they could have more than one to take home and show their kids. I originally thought that was a cute gesture and felt like a proud American. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that some unique stickers were selling online for big money!

You can search for individual stickers for as low as $5 or a sheet like the above listing for as high as $1,000! This seems crazy, but it reinforces the lyrics to a patriotic anthem, “Freedom Isnt Free.” The problem is that these stickers cost more than a buck o five.