Chances Are You’re Having The Worst Sex Ever With Your Current Partner!
The results of a very thorough, very odd, new survey about people’s sexual experiences have been revealed!
And some of the findings are quite interesting . . .
Half of couples surveyed describe their current partner as the worst sex they ever had!
20% of people say they’ve had more than 10 awful sexual encounters over the course of their life, although the average is about seven.

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For 44% of people, they had a sexual encounter that was so bad they stopped in the middle of it.
Turns out the most common way to get injured was doing it doggie style (62%), followed by doing it in the shower (57%).

Matt Cardy/Getty Images
As for non-dangerous things that have ruined sex, 37% say it was stopping because they had to pee, while 33% admit to falling asleep during the act.
And it certainly sounds like some people have unusual regrets when it comes to sex. Among the embarrassing regrets:
o Calling out an ex’s name
o Falling off the couch and rupturing four vertebrae
o Having sex in the parking lot of a cemetery

Matt Cardy/Getty Images
The more you know. . .