How Much Do People Hate Doing Their Taxes??
Today is the official deadline for filing income tax and I think all of us are in agreement that filing taxes is a pain in the you-know-what!
But just how much do Americans hate doing their taxes?
The results of a pair of surveys conducted by Wallet Hub and TaxSlayer reveal that tax time may be the most dreaded time of the year for a lot of folks.
Check out these findings!
53% of Americans are not confident in their ability to accurately file their own taxes without assistance.
35% of people would rather talk about ‘the birds and bees’ with their kids than prepare their taxes.
28% of Americans think it would be easier to go without a smartphone for a week than file their taxes.
27% of people would rather get an IRS tattoo than pay taxes.
23% of Americans think it would be easier to go without a car for a week than file their taxes.
18% of Americans think it would be easier to memorize all of the U.S. presidents in order than file their taxes.
13% of Americans think it’s easier to play an instrument than file their taxes.
13% of people would rather spend the night in jail than prepare their taxes.
12% of Americans think it’s easier to learn a new language or hotwire a car than file their taxes.
11% of people would rather spend three years cleaning the bathrooms at Chipotle than pay taxes.
8% of people would rather name their first born “Taxes” than pay taxes.
6% of people would rather sell a kidney than pay taxes.